Sunday, July 29, 2007

Comic Con!

It was intense and incredible! So many people you could barely move! and the San Diego convention center is bigger than huge, it's ginormous. There were plenty of things I wanted to see and do but I'm not really one for waiting in line for 2 hours and only maybe getting a seat. It also wasn't as great a photo option spot as I hoped because the sheer number of people really inhibited taking of proper photos. I was lucky if I could even get my arms up at times it was so packed. There was a lot that was lost on me seeing as I don't read any comics, but consider myself more of a sci-fi / fantasy nerd. I did pick up an Aes Sedai serpent ring and an Asha'man dragon pin which I am beyond psyched about. I did also see a guy dressed up as a solider from Battlestar Galactica and lots of Vote Petrelli buttons which I found amusing. And of course the Klingons were awesome.

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