Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Voting for Change

I have been a Democrat since I was in junior high grade and my mom gave me a "Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Repubican" tshirt and watched eagerly as Bill Clinton took office the first time. One of my homework assignments was to color in each state red or blue as the results came in that night. It makes me sad to see how low John McCain has fallen. Literally selling out everything he believes in to win the election. I believe that Obama is a real leader, focused and brilliant. Although he's leading in the polls right now we all remember how Al Gore won the popular vote but still lost the election. We need a landslide at the polls this year.


1. The polls may be wrong. This is an unprecedented election. No one knows how racism may affect what voters tell pollsters—or what they do in the voting booth. And the polls are narrowing anyway. In the last few days, John McCain has gained ground in most national polls, as his campaign has gone even more negative.

2. Dirty tricks. Republicans are already illegally purging voters from the rolls in some states. They're whipping up hysteria over ACORN to justify more challenges to new voters. Misleading flyers about the voting process have started appearing in black neighborhoods. And of course, many counties still use unsecure voting machines.

3. October surprise. In politics, 15 days is a long time. The next McCain smear could dominate the news for a week. There could be a crisis with Iran, or Bin Laden could release another tape, or worse.

4. Those who forget history... In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote after trailing by seven points in the final days of the race. In 1980, Reagan was eight points down in the polls in late October and came back to win. Races can shift—fast!

5. Landslide. Even with Barack Obama in the White House, passing universal health care and a new clean-energy policy is going to be hard. Insurance, drug and oil companies will fight us every step of the way. We need the kind of landslide that will give Barack a huge mandate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen! We need a change! Obama fever!